Photo credit to Victor Freitas
I began lifting weights December 31st, 2016. Prior to that, I had deadlifted perhaps six times in my life, benched maybe twice, and never once attempted a squat. I had been performing a demanding aerial circus act in a private night club 3 nights a week, 2 to 3 times per night, for an 8 week run in November/December. I was the base meaning my partner hung off of me while we dangled over the audience and he outweighted me by 10-15 lbs. Though I was "strong" for a circus performer, I was not terribly strong by any strength-athlete standard. I had disproportionate pulling strength in my upper back but no lower back strength to speak of. The combination of the demanding show and my imbalances resulted in a lot of back pain so I spent the week between shows recovering, barely in time to do it over again.
At the end of the month, I decided I was clearly not strong enough to do what I was asking my body to do so I bought Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe, a squat rack, a barbell, and about 400 lbs worth of plates all from craigslist for about $400. I did not have a place to safely do powercleans in the backyard but otherwise I more or less followed the programming laid out in Starting Strength. He prescribes three sets of five to non-athletes and five sets of five to aspiring athletes. I decided as a circus performer, I was in the middle so I religiously stuck to four sets of five for the first two years of training.
By June of 2019 I was becoming frustrated with strength plateaus having made no progress for 6 months. My attempt to transition to an intermediate style of programming was unsuccessful. Squat 395 lbs according to my logs but almost every rep above 350 lbs was way above parallel. The situations with my deadlift, overhead press, and bench press were similar but with fewer form issues. I decided to hire a coach by scrolling through youtube and looking for someone who was strong (not world records but over 600 lbs on the big lifts) and could make 10 videos without saying anything ridiculously stupid. Empire Barbell is conveniently located within driving distance of my parents' house so I paid for two sessions over Christmas 2019.
The graphs below show my progress on the four compound barbell movements. There are several gaps due to injuries. March 2017 I lost a few weeks due to a pulled back muscle. May-Sep 2017 was a nasty hamstring pull near the origin on the ischium, by far my worst lifting related injury to date. May 2018 I had a tonsilectomy which knocked me down for a while.
Highlight regions to zoom in. Double-click to restore original zoom.
[Caption] Plots of training from day one of the four main compound barbell movements. Intensity (max weight for the day) in purple on the left y-axis. Volume (\(\sum\) weight x sets x reps) in bars on the far-right y-axis. Bars represent total volume at working weight. Reps per set at working weight in blue on the near-right y-axis. Because I might not do every set at same number of reps (ie 325x5x2 325x4x2), it is possible to see multiple dots for reps at a given date.
Alex spent a while looking over my form and determined that my squat was too slow, my bench press grip was too narrow, and I had a natural tendency to wait too little time between sets. More importantly, on the programming, he pointed out that I was (1) overtraining in unproductive ways and (2) using large weight jumps in my warm-ups. (1) I was squatting two days a week, 3 sets x 3 reps heavy (mid-high 300 lbs) and 10 sets x 5 reps for volume (low 300 lbs). There were no deload weeks. (2) I only own 35 lb plates so I was used to 70 lb jumps; at commercial gyms I would do 90 lb jumps. On Alex's advice I stopped making jumps larger than 50 lbs in my warm-up sets.
On the white board he sketched out a program for improving my squat and bench, my most frustrating lifts.
[Caption] Photo of the programming sketched out by Alex Bromley of Empire Barbell on 2019-12-26. Aside from substituting LTEs in for skull crushers, I ran this template to the best of my ability without modifications.
The program is broken into 4 week cycles, 3 weeks of work and 1 week of rest ("deload"). Each week has one heavy squat day, one heavy bench day, one high volume squat day, and one high volume bench day. The volume days do not change over the course of the cycle. The heavy days start 5 sets of 3 reps (week 1), then 3 sets of 3 reps (week 2), and 1 set of 3 or more reps (week 3) which should be the day where personal records are broken. Based on that sketch, here's what I actually did.
weight (lbs) x reps x sets. If only 2 numbers are given it is weight (lbs) x reps (only one set).
All-time personal records are highlighted.
SQ = squat, RDL = romanian deadlift, BP = bench press, press = standing overhead strict press, LTE = lying tricep extension.
First week just trying to figure out weights on unfamiliar exercises (RDLs and rows).
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x3 185x3 235x3 305x3x5
RDL 45x5 115x5 165x5 205x8x2
BP 45x5 95x5 135x5 165x1 175x3x5
press 45x5 65x5 85x5 100x8x5
dip 0x15 0x12 0x15
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x4 185x4 235x4 275x8x2 255x8x3
row 115x5 165x8 155x8
BP 45x5 95x5 145x8x5
LTE 45x5 65x8x5
dip 0x20x3
Second week almost the same weights as the first. I had overestimated what I could handle on an RDL week 1.
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x3 205x3 255x3 305x3x5
RDL 45x5 115x5 185x8x5
BP 45x5 95x5 135x5 165x1 170x3x5
press 45x5 65x5 85x5 105x8x5
dip 0x20
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x5 235x3 255x8x5
row 115x5 155x8x5
BP 45x5 95x5 145x8x5
LTE 45x5 65x8x5
dip 0x20x3
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x5 235x3 275x3 330x3x3
RDL 45x5 115x5 165x5 205x8x4
BP 45x5 95x5 135x5 165x1 180x3x3
press 45x5 65x5 85x5 110x8x4
dip 0x20
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x5 235x3 265x8x5
row 95x5 165x8x5
BP 45x5 95x5 155x8x5
LTE 45x5 70x8x5
dip 0x20x3
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x5 235x3 275x3 325x3 360x3x1
RDL 115x5 185x5 225x8x3
BP 45x5 95x5 135x5 165x1 190x4
press 45x5 65x5 85x5 105x1 115x8x3
dip 0x15 0x20 0x25
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x5 235x3 275x8x5
row 95x5 170x8x5
BP 45x5 95x5 145x8x5
LTE 45x5 70x8x5
dip 0x15 0x20 0x25
The 360 lb squat and 190 lb BP felt much better than they had in the past. From 1/28-2/5 I did some body weight stuff to deload but did not touch anything heavy.
SQ 45x4 95x4 135x4 185x4 235x4 275x4 315x3x5
RDL 115x5 185x5 205x8x5
BP 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x3x3
press 45x5 65x5 85x5 100x8x5
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x5 235x5 275x8x5
row 95x5 165x5 170x8x5
BP 45x5 95x5 135x5 155x8x5
LTE 45x5 75x8x5
dip 0x25 0x20 0x16
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x5 235x5 275x3 325x1 345x3x3
RDL 45x5 115x5 185x5 215x8x4
BP 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x3x3
press 45x5 85x5 100x5 110x6x4
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x5 235x5 280x8x5
row 115x5 170x8x5
BP 45x5 95x5 115x5 135x5 155x8x5
LTE 45x6 75x8x1
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x5 235x5 275x3 325x1 370x3x1
RDL 115x5 185x5 235x8x3
BP 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x1 195x4
press 45x5 65x5 85x5 105x5 115x5 115x8 115x6
The PRs this week felt amazingly light. I guess overtraining is a real thing. This deload week I did some pressing volume which may have been a mistake as I'm now dealing with some R-tricep tendonitis around the back of the elbow. From here on out, missing dips was a conscious decision because of tricep pain after benching and LTEs or pressing.
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x5 235x8x3
BP 45x5 95x5 145x6x4
BP 45x5 95x5 145x10x5
BP 45x5 95x5 150x10x1
[Caption] I built my first bench in February 2017 from scrap 2x4s I pulled out of a dumpster. It only took three years but eventually the splinters became too aggressive. The new bench was welded up on 2020-02-26 with 2" 11 guage square tube and it is stronger and nicer.
Starting new wave.
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x5 235x5 275x3 325x3x5
RDL 45x5 115x5 185x5 215x8x5
BP 45x5 95x5 135x5 155x3 170x3 180x3x5
press 45x5 65x5 85x5 100x8x5
dip 0x20x3
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x5 235x5 285x8x5
row 115x5 170x8x5
BP 45x5 95x5 115x5 135x5 160x8x5
LTE 45x6 65x5 80x8x5
dip 0x25 0x23 0x18
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x5 235x5 275x3 325x1 355x3x3
RDL 115x5 185x5 225x8x1
On 3/10 I had an accident. On the RDLs, I was focusing a lot on my grip because of a cut on my finger. I was not focusing enough on keeping tight through my core and during the first set of RDLs I felt/heard a pop in my low back followed by excruciating pain. I scheduled a visit with the doctor for an MRI but by the time I got the appointment two days later, I was feeling so much better I did not want the MRI. The doctor proposed it was likely a popping of my SI joints which can be very painful if it strains a tendon or muscle in the process. He said come back if it does not resolve in a week. It resolved just fine and there have been no further issues but I have resolved to use straps if I feel distracted by my grip on RDLs.
While waiting for it to heal, I did some pressing and careful, light squatting.
BP 45x5 95x5 115x5 135x5 165x5x5
LTE 45x6 65x5 75x10x5
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x5 235x5 255x5x3
BP 45x5 95x5 115x5 135x5 165x5x5
press 45x5 95x10x1
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x5 235x5 255x5x3
press 45x5 95x5 105x8x3
BP 45x5 95x5 115x5 135x5 155x5x5 155x10
RDL 95x5 185x5 220x10x3
Now back on track and restarting that wave.
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x5 235x5 275x5 325x3x5
RDL 115x5 185x5 215x8x5
BP 45x5 95x5 135x5 155x3 170x3 180x3x5
press 45x5 65x5 85x5 100x8x5
dip 0x25 0x20x2
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x5 235x5 285x8x5
row 115x5 170x8x5
BP 45x5 95x5 135x5 160x8x5
LTE 45x6 65x5 80x8x5
On 3/28 I suffered a 3rd/4th degree burn on the medial left ankle below the tibia just above the sole of the foot. It sucked a lot but did not adversely affect my performance. It may have helped in some ways, not being able to move as much has made gaining weight easier and forced me to avoid heavy work which interfers with recovery. As of this writing, it is 6 weeks post-burn and I still cannot wear shoes without limping. I weighed 180±3 lbs at the time of the burn.
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x5 235x5 275x5 325x1 355x3x3
RDL 115x5 185x5 215x8x5
BP 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x3x3
press 45x5 65x5 85x5 105x1 110x8x4
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x5 235x5 285x8x5
row 115x5 185x8x5
BP 45x5 95x5 135x5 160x8x5
LTE 45x6 80x8x5
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x5 235x5 275x5 325x3 380x4x1
RDL 115x5 185x5 235x8x3
BP 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x1 200x5x1
press 45x5 65x5 85x5 100x1 110x8x3
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x5 235x5 295x8x5
row 115x5 185x8x5
BP 45x5 95x5 135x5 165x8x5
LTE 45x6 80x8x4 100x5
Definitely the heaviest squat I have ever hit proper depth on. There are squats in my log book up in the end of 2018 and 2019 that are between 380 and 395 lbs but I am sure that I did not hit proper depth on those. Therefore this is an alltime personal record for me. Starting next wave aiming for 390 lb SQ and 205 lb BP.
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x5 235x5 275x3 335x3x5
RDL 45x5 115x5 185x5 225x8x5
BP 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x3x5
press 45x5 65x5 85x5 100x8x5
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x5 235x5 295x8x5
row 115x5 185x8x5
BP 45x5 95x5 135x5 165x8x5
LTE 15x5 65x5 80x8x5
dips 0x15x3
SQ 45x5 115x5 165x5 205x5 255x5 305x3 345x1 365x3x3
RDL 115x5 185x5 235x8x4
BP 45x5 95x5 135x5 175x1 195x3x3
press 45x5 70x5 90x5 100x8x5
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x5 235x5 295x8x5
row 115x5 185x5 195x8x5
BP 45x5 95x5 135x5 165x8x5
LTE 15x5 75x8x1
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x5 235x5 275x5 325x3 365x1 390x4x1
RDL 115x5 185x5 255x8x3
BP 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x2 210x4x1
press 45x5 85x5 110x8x3
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x5 235x5 295x8x5
row 115x5 185x5 205x8x5
BP 35x5 85x5 125x5 165x8x5
dips 0x15x1
working out a friend's place, distracted, didn't stay on program
Bench was feeling so light all week that I went for a 10 lb PR. It felt good but going forward I should use 5 lb increments. Thanks mostly to the left ankle burn preventing any cardio activity, I weighed 200±3 lbs.
I found the first workout after the deload was much better and left me less sore the following days if I did some light, low-volume squatting during the deload.
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x5 235x5 255x3 255x4x2
pullup 0x10x2
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x5 275x3x3
row 115x5 165x5x3
Next wave 400 lb SQ and 215 lb BP.
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x5 235x5 275x3 325x2 345x3x5
RDL 115x5 185x5 235x8x5
BP 35x5 105x5 155x5 195x3x5
press 35x5 85x5 105x8x5
dips 0x12 0x15 0x14
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x5 235x5 275x2 305x8x5
row 115x5 185x5 205x8x5
BP 35x5 85x5 125x5 170x8x4 165x7
LTE 45x5 65x5 85x8x5
dips 0x12 0x8 0x10
Developed a cough in the last week. No other symptoms (no fever, no lethargy, etc) and it does not appear to be having a significant adverse effect on training. However, the weights feel slightly heavier and I feel a bit less confident.
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x5 235x5 275x3 325x2 375x3x3
RDL 115x5 185x5 245x8x4
BP 45x5 115x5 135x5 16x1 205x3x3
press 45x5 85x5 105x8x4
dips 0x12 0x15 0x13
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x5 235x5 275x2 305x8x5
row 115x5 185x5 205x8x5
BP 35x5 85x5 125x5 170x8x5
LTE 35x5 75x8x5
dips 0x20 0x16 0x15
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x5 235x5 275x3 325x2 375x1 400x3
RDL 115x5 185x5 255x8x3
BP 45x5 115x5 135x5 16x1 215x3
press 45x5 85x5 110x8x3
Significant R-tricep pain starting with first set of presses
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x5 235x5 275x5 305x8x5
row 45x5 135x5 185x5 205x8x5
BP 45x5 95x5 135x5 170x8x5
LTE 15x5 55x5 75x8x5
R-tricep pain during LTEs
Even in early 2019, when I was probably doing half squats and calling them full squats, I had never unracked 400 lbs. Current plan is to repeat this wave, and feel a little more confident with 400 lb before moving on to 410.
DL 115x5 185x5 255x5 305x1 355x3x1
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x5 235x5 275x5x3
Next wave, aiming for 400x3 squat and 220x3 bench press
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x5 235x5 275x3 325x1 345x3x5
RDL 115x5 185x5 235x8x5
BP 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x1 200x3x5
press 45x5 85x5 105x8x5
dips 0x15 0x20 0x19
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x5 235x5 275x3 305x8x5
ROW 45x5 115x5 185x5 205x8x5
BP 45x5 95x5 135x5 170x8x5
LTE 15x5 55x5 80x8x5
dips 0x20 0x13 0x15
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x5 235x5 275x3 325x2 375x3x3
RDL 115x5 185x5 245x8x5
BP 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x3 210x3x3
LTE 15x5 55x5 75x8x5
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x5 235x5 275x3 305x8x5
ROW 115x5 185x5 205x8x5
BP 45x5 95x5 135x5 170x8x5
LTE 15x5 55x5 80x8x5
dips 0x25 0x25 0x19
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x5 235x5 275x3 325x2 375x1 400x3
RDL 115x5 185x5 255x5 275x8x5
BP 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x2 205x1 220x1
Failed 2nd rep of the bench
SQ 45x5 95x5 135x5 185x5 235x5 275x3 310x8x5
ROW 115x5 185x5 205x8x5
BP 45x5 95x5 135x5 175x8x3 165x8x2
LTE 15x5 65x5 75x8x5